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need prayer! How do I submit a request?

Send your prayer requests to or submit them in the contact form on the home page. 

So what is Run to Our Father?

Run to Our Father is a prayer group first, and a running group second. We receive prayer requests by e-mail and also from those running with us and take them to God in prayer while we run. 

Who exactly do you pray to?

We pray to God the Father, who gave us His Son Christ Jesus. 

How often do you meet?

As of now, every other Saturday morning. Check our calendar for when and where we will meet as well as special events!

I'd like my prayer request to be anonymous. Is that something you can do?

Absolutely. State your desire to remain anonymous in your request and we will honor and respect your identity. 

I can’t run very fast or far, am I still able to participate?

Yes! We want to be able to accommodate all levels of athleticism as we are all God’s children regardless of abilities. 

Why pray while running? Aren’t you supposed to do that on your knees or in church?

Scripture informs us to pray without ceasing, (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and to seek His face continuously (Psalm 105:4). We can’t always be in a church building or kneeling if that is the case! When we go for a run, we have some time where we are free from distractions and the demands of our everyday lives.  It is a wonderful opportunity to be able to be present with our Creator and pour our hearts out to Him, to figuratively and literally run to our Father!

I’m not a Christian, can I join in on a run?

Yes we welcome all to join, as we hope you can witness the goodness and glory of our Lord Christ Jesus and see how much He loves you. 

Is there a fee or membership required? 

The group is free and you may come and go as you please. 


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